Thursday, March 22, 2012

Road Trip to Krabi

Alright, this is my first big trip of the year. A road trip to Krabi. Yup, a road trip, all transportation was done by land. It was done with my family, which came as a suprise to me as my mom aint the type to be doing this kind of trips. But nonetheless, it happened on the month of february.

Firstly, the trip started with a journey on the bus. The bus is an 24 seater bus if in a single decker with price ranging from RM45 to RM55. Price and bus operators can be seen here ... The bus seats is as below

The journey takes about 12 hours to reach Hadyai. Then at Hadyai, I took a minibus to Krabi. Other tranports are Express Bus. This minivan trip cost RM30 a person and take about 4 hours more to get to Krabi. Its better to buy return trip straightaway as it will not make a hassle later on.

So in Krabi, the activities are basically same in Phuket as they share the same activities spot. Such activities are such as island hopping, ATV, riding an elephant, water rafting and rock climbing. Fact: Rock climbing in Krabi is one of the most best spot to do it, according to Lonely Planet.

The activities my family chose were 4 island hopping and also James Bond Island hopping inclusive of Kayakking. Its better to buy the packages there in Krabi as it is cheaper. Stayed in Krabi for 4days and 3 nights before making the way back to KL the same way I came. Here are some pictures of the activities my family did there.

James Bond Island + Kayaking

4 Island Hopping

And the FOODS~


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